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Crossflo DataExchange® Server

Crossflo Systems brings you integrated data sharing and enhanced data interoperability.
When your desired end result is improved efficiency and enhanced public safety services, you need real data sharing. And real data sharing starts with Crossflo DataExchange® (CDX).
Custom integrations are inflexible and simply not scalable. You need re-usable, agile solutions and methodologies. And along with flexible software, you need smart, accurate Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) to create reusable integration frameworks including:
Data Exchanges
Data Governance
User Permissions
Data Sharing Artifacts
Use Cases, Business & Data Models, Schemas, etc.
CDX Architecture is Future Proof. CDX is not only a solution just for today. Because it is built on a totally open platform, this is a technology that will serve your needs far into the future.
Built on Open-Source Industry Standards
Java/J2EE “run anywhere” platform
Data Interoperability built on existing & evolving XML standards
Architected according to SOA principles
Reusable artifacts support additional partners and additional exchanges
Multi-query Type Capability
Allows support for the publication and subscription of data
Federated Queries as well as scheduled and on demand information exchanges
Platform Pre-Configured for connections with:
Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Postgres, MySQL, legacy systems and many others